Thursday 21 November 2013

Strategizing for Content Marketing

In today’s competitive world, every brand needs to establish a unique approach to build their brand’s image in the audience’s mind. It is indeed a tedious task to present appropriate content when it comes to digital marketing and branding. The structure and design of your content needs to match the expectation of the probable buyers that also meets the current market demands.  The focus has shifted from ‘traditional’ online advertising to content marketing in order to generate more leads. While strategizing for social media content, the most common question that is raised is, “How do I know what type of content will resonate with my audience”?
Understanding what your customers like and crafting engaging content on the basis of the existing successful strategies will help businesses generate better ROI. Let’s take a look at some stats in terms of content creation and the challenges that marketers meet while planning their strategy:

1.       18% of marketers confirmed that developing quality content was their top priority in 2013.
2.       11% of marketers say their top challenge in 2013 is targeting content for an international audience.
3.       10% of companies have a dedicated marketer for content creation.

These statistics were from 86 Revealing Charts From the 2013 State of Inbound Marketing Report. Content marketing is arguably the most critical piece of an inbound marketing strategy, however, with an estimation of 60% businesses implementing some or the other form of inbound marketing, we are sure to see an explosive growth in the way companies ‘market’ themselves. One of the key things that a content developer should keep in mind while designing content for a website is that it should focus on optimizing the user experience. It just doesn’t involve how cool, neat or beautiful it looks, but how easily can users find what they want. 

The ‘KISS’ factor in content marketing has become outdated when it comes to content marketing. Though the audience is looking for a crisp material to read about but they also want it to be informative. According to an article titled ‘How to Build a Kickass Content Strategy’ on - “Throughout discussions and analytics of long-form content and readability, long-form has stood the test of time. Two things are clear: people do read and convert better with long-form content and Google loves it (if it’s really valuable, smart, and high quality)”.  The audience hooks on to the content for a prolonged period of time if they find it worthwhile and of supreme quality.
Due to cut-throat competition in the marketing scenario, plagiarism happens on a wide basis. Companies need to watch out the key players who have been designing and sharing your ideas almost in the same manner as you do. Identifying them will trigger you to change your marketing strategies enabling you to build a higher position among your competitors.

Your businesses’ success and failure depends majorly on how you present your values in the form of a well composed content. Marketers need to get a clear understanding that the content they showcase on their website is not only viewed or read by their audience but is also observed prudently by their competitors. They will tend to build their content basing on what you have provided to your receivers. There should be no room for any loopholes that will make your contenders bring more brand value and brand visibility for their business. Confining yourself to one particular strategy will not prove to be beneficial. It will become too stereotypical and will be easier to predict our long term plans and approach. Timely alterations will help the business to grow financially as well as increase brand awareness yielding in more brand loyalty from customers.

There are no hard and fast rules in order to implement the ‘perfect selling’ content but it just needs to get highlighted in the right way on the right platform.

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