Saturday 13 April 2013

My Recent Addiction

It had been a really long time since I read any books. So recently I started reading a piece of art. Before I bought it, to be honest I was a little finicky whether to buy a book that is mythologically influenced. For a simple reason being that I wouldn't enjoy reading about gods' and their super powers and how their wisdom helped people conquer the most impossible things in the world. So, I chose to read its reviews before making an investment on the book. The reviews were obviously pretty impressive as it has reached masses and classes on a wide range. I read as much as I could online to know more and more about the audience's response to the writer's creation. Readers' seemed to be really moved by his work, so I made a decision to spend some cash on it and gain some traditional wisdom.

I the prologue as well. Since I knew what the book had in store for me. I had really high expectations from the book since the writer had got so much appreciation from a large number of reading addicts. Well, me being NOT an addict was influenced by the reviews which made me purchase it. So, I guess that in itself is an achievement for the author. 

Though, I don't know so much about the "novel writing styles" as I've read hardly any books since my childhood, still this piece of writing made me read and read and read. It is so engaging, compelling and yet maintains its simplistic approach towards the message that the composer of the art work has tried to convey. 

So far I am done with five chapters and trust me I think about the following chapters even while I am asleep. This book seems to be like a magic potion which I have consumed and is now running in blood through my veins.  I can't believe my own response to a mythological book. But yes, it has become a part of my daily routine and I make sure that I finish at least three chapters in a day. 

Well, what the book is will be revealed in the following posts. So, keep reading to be updated.

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